Benefits of learning and working with us:
Our tutors show up every time.
We prioritise comprehension of practical skills before details such as technical terms are learnt.
Theory and practical skills are balanced to suit your learning style and needs.
We understand there are a million and one ways to achieve a task, therefore our tutors welcome and happily supervise opportunities of self-directed learning.
We customise curriculums and software to suit the needs of students from kindergarten and above.
And most important, we make learning as fun as possible for every individual we have the honour to work with!
Three beliefs at the core of every lesson
Access technology and learning sessions at a low-cost.
Have access to a personalised subdomain for free until 1 year after graduation. *
Graduate high school with industry-ready IT skills and have something to show for it **
* Offer for students of schools within Australia only. See Terms and Conditions of the offer to check eligibility. Offer available soon.
** Aaron Tutors Me does not make any guarantee that a student will graduate with industry-ready IT skills while learning with us. The effort a student puts in will reflect the level of skills gained while learning with us.
I look forward to helping you explore your technical potential, and if you operate a business, helping it thrive to the level it deserves!
~ Founder & Educator
Our Journal
Google Play Developer Policy Update (July 2021)
In the latest update to the Google Play Developer Policy, it has been stated that all apps must have a privacy policy both within the application itself and linked in the Google Play store, as shown below. Source: Google Policy Center - User Data Developing a privacy...
How to Prepare For Online Lessons
In order for you or your child to get the most out of every minute of a lesson there are a few things that should be set up before attending an online class